ADR Online

General concepts

ADR Online webapplication enables the user to create ADR 2011 compliant dangerous goods transport documents.

The interface is divided into two parts. The first one is used to introduce transport related data (Consignor, Consignee...). The second is used to introduce data relative to the substances and their packaging.

Transport data

In this section the user must set the information relative to the transport itself, the date when it will begin, the vehicle that will perform it, the consignor and the consignee.

transport related data


ADR 2011 agreement doesn't establish the need to print the date in the transport document, however, this field is necessary because ADR does establish the need to keep transport documents for a certain period.

The use of this web application is restricted to those user who agree with our terms and conditions. In order to be able to print the transport document, you must accept the agreement by checkingthe corresponding box.

Vehicle data

Data related to the driver and vehicle that will perform the transportation service. This data can be filled in before or after printing the transport document. In case this data is not introduced, the generated transport document will provide blank spaces to fill them out later on.

Original consignor

Sometimes the current consignor received the substances from a previous transport and has to elaborate the new transport document according to the data received from the prior consignor. In these cases you can fill out the original consignor data and the transport document will include a statement saying that the current consignor is elaborating the transport document according to the original data.


Here you must introduce the consignor's data, this is the name and address of the company where the substances are being loaded.


Here you must introduce the consignee's data, this is the name and address of the company or warehouse there the substances will be unloaded.

Data related to the transported substances (dangerous goods)

In this section you will be able to add as many dangerous substances as they're going to be carried in the current transport document.

To add a new line you will press the button nueva línea, a new form will be unfolded where you will have to add data relative to the substance.

If in the other hand you need to remove one of the lines, you simply need to press the button eliminar línea that is on top of the line you want to delete.

Datos relativos al transporte en la carta de porte


En esta parte se introducirán los datos relativos a la descripción y nombres técnicos oficiales de la mercancía.


Este campo es desplegable y filtrará las opciones en función de los números ONU (4 cifras) que introduzcamos, y el grupo de embalaje (I, II...)

Elegir Nº ONU

Una vez que aparezca en pantalla la mercancía deseada, la elegiremos y se mostrará su descripción completa.

Nº ONU seleccionado

Nombre técnico

Para aquellas mercancías en las que haya que especificar un nombre técnico, lo rellenaremos en este campo. La aplicación nos avisará automáticamente si en el caso de que la normativa requiera rellenarlo.


Esta parte está reservada para detallar la cantidad de bultos, su descripción (Jerricán, GRG...) y su cantidad, bien sea en litros o en kilogramos.


Una vez se hayan rellenado todos los campos requeridos, podemos proceder a generar la carta de porte presionando el botón "Imprimir". La aplicación revisará que todos los datos que hayamos introducido sean correctos y generará un PDF que podremos imprimir, guardar o enviar por correo electrónico.